Dear Families,
As the state of Virginia looks for ways to open up slowly, Community School is also trying to find a safe way to return to school. We miss everyone and want you back on campus. We recognize life at school will have to adapt to our new reality. A planning committee is working to develop protocols and guidelines that are in compliance with the CDC regulations, as well as the Virginia Department of Health. We want to protect the health of our community as we think about having students come back to campus in small groups this summer for day camps, as well as to plan for reopening in September. There are many factors to consider and we are currently looking at room design and flow of students, cleaning and sanitizing routines, monitoring student and staff health, and how we can continue to use the outdoors as an extension of our classrooms.
Although we hope that there won’t be a resurgence of COVID-19 cases, we need to consider that scenario as well, and evaluate what we can do to continue to provide distance learning opportunities that support our mission, and meet the needs of all of our students. To help with that, we are preparing a survey for your family to complete and provide us feedback. The survey will address how we can improve upon our virtual learning from this spring, as well as begin to identify what options may work for your family. We hope to have that out to you next week.
We wish that we could accurately predict the arc of this virus and the impact on our school. We are watching and listening to what is happening in other states and countries as students return to school, and increasing our understanding of what are the best practices.
We will keep you informed, as we begin to find ways to welcome you back. We anticipate having a more detailed plan for fall available in mid June.
Thank you for your patience and support.
Linda Roth
Executive Director