I am Community School
Our middle school graduates excel in local public and private high schools, as well as preparatory schools along the east coast. CS graduates have been valedictorians and salutatorians around the Roanoke Valley, have earned International Baccalaureate degrees, attended the Roanoke Valley Governor’s School and earned numerous awards.
College Acceptances
Our alumni attend top higher education programs, from small liberal arts colleges to large state universities, Ivy League institutions, and programs in other countries. They pursue degrees in disciplines ranging from engineering to the fine arts and from chemistry to creative writing. Many CS alumni pursue graduate and professional degrees.
Our Alumni
From the first graduates in the early 1970s, Community School’s alumni have a long history of outstanding educational and career success. Our graduates are confident, responsible individuals who possess strong academic skills and know how to apply those skills across a broad range of disciplines in a variety of learning and work environments. Former CS students enjoy successful careers throughout the country and abroad. They are doctors, lawyers, professional artists and musicians, teachers, engineers, translators, counselors, scientists, researchers, and business owners and executives.
We love to hear from our alumni and post the updated information that they send us on a regular basis. Alumni and alumni families who want to share information with our school community should send information to development@communityschool.com. We appreciate receiving our alumni’s old and new photos and links to their publications, artistic creations, productions, news stories, and other accomplishments.