We have less than two weeks until we start our winter break. We are committed to staying open and appreciate all the families who are making decisions to protect the group and keep children home if they have had exposure or are not feeling well. Guidelines related to quarantine have recently been updated by the CDC and we encourage you to go to their website to fully review them. We value our on-campus time and will continue to balance that with keeping everyone healthy.
At school, we are enjoying the season and secretly providing festive decorations for rooms, special treats for classes and sweets for staff. Despite the colder weather, we continue to extend our classrooms outside. Last week our upper elementary levels had a Colonial Day, and made butter and boiled potatoes over a fire. For the next few weeks, Karen Childers, is sharing the elementary art along the driveway for families to view (weather permitting) during drop-off or pick-up. Hope you are finding ways to celebrate the magic.