From Executive Director Linda Roth
Dear Community School Families and Friends,

From the beginning, our founding families recognized the importance of being outside. Our philosophy intentionally includes the statement, “We go outside to explore, observe and play.” It seems like such a simple thing to do. This year as we return to campus with new protocols in place due to COVID-19, we are especially grateful for the size of our campus and our easy access to the outdoors. We created new learning spaces which include tents, picnic tables and stump circles for students to meet for classes, enjoy their lunches or read quietly. We have taken full advantage of our beautiful setting during these wonderful fall days. We are even building forts in the Big Woods!
This year our theme is Stay Rooted, Branch Out. As we approach our 50th year in the Roanoke Valley, we reflect back to our early traditions and appreciate all the contributions from our families and staff throughout the years. We recognize that there have been many changes along the way and new growth is always needed if we are to adapt and stay current with societal and educational expectations. Keeping our core values continues to be important, and we remain committed to building community, emphasizing creative problem-solving and critical thinking, and encouraging perseverance and compassion.
Annual Fund donations support programs and initiatives that are not covered by tuition. This year, due to COVID-19 requirements, our financial need is much higher. Over the summer we redesigned classrooms to create more space, capped enrollment to provide smaller classes, hired new staff to help with virtual learners, upgraded technology resources, and provided professional development to assist our teachers using online platforms. These were all unplanned expenses which came on the heels of cancelling the Strawberry Festival.
Your contributions this year are vital to navigate the new demands we face presently, while continuing to offer a challenging and engaging curriculum that keeps our students connected to the local and global community. Please know that every gift, whatever the amount, makes a difference and is very much appreciated.
Take the time to visit our website
With sincere gratitude and best regards,
Linda P. Roth
Executive Director