Our theme for 2021-2022 was To the Stars. We used the theme to provide a new perspective and appreciate the stars in our life and also identify what makes each of us a star. We looked at friends, family and famous people who we admired. I was happy to see the middle school artists who selected a parent as their star.
Students learned about the solar system and the difference between rotations and revolutions. Upper elementary students made their own simulation in the the big field and became planets moving around the sun. Classes looked at constellations and space exploration, as well as myths and creation stories.
We made sure that we looked at the Star City and found ways to stay connected to our larger community. We continued to support Roanoke food drives and pantries, as well as to collect mittens, coats, and period kits for local organizations. In addition, we raised trout in the classrooms and did trail clean up at Explore Park. We invited preschoolers to enjoy bilingual story hours on our campus and took this program on the road to the Jewish Community Preschool as well.
We added new stars to our history lessons as we studied early American exploration and settlements by giving more focus to the Indigenous people and their contributions.
Our preschool and elementary students were star builders this year and they spent hours designing, problem-solving, and constructing. They crafted forts, houses, animal enclosures, stores and even an elaborate town for Fergus, one of our resident pets. During a downpour they were building dams and digging channels to reroute the water.
This spring we showcased the many gifts of our students with the talent show, and our Arts Festival. Wow, did they shine!
While there were times during this past year that were difficult, your children are the light at the end of the tunnel for me. I always know that joining them in a class or talking to them on the playground can be refreshing and invigorating. Their energy and enthusiasm fill me with hope.
I am grateful for their gifts and your willingness to share them with us.
Linda Roth
Executive Director