Update on School Closure from Linda Roth

Dear Community School Families,

Today Governor Northam revised the date for keeping K-12 schools closed in Virginia. The closure is now extended until the end of the school year. Although we thought this was a possibility; it is not what we wanted to hear. That said, we will follow the state guidelines and ask you to continue to practice social distancing so that we can do our part to slow the spread and reduce the risk of overloading our healthcare system. 

I recognize how difficult this time is for everyone. Since this is our spring break, I am encouraging staff to take care of themselves and their families and find time to relax. I hope that you and your families can do the same and will create opportunities to enjoy a different rhythm and routine and reconnect in new ways.

In the coming days we will be building a road map for the remainder of the school year.

Next week teachers will continue to design structured activities that support their class curriculum and to further explore distance-learning options to stay in touch with your children. Community School staff have been incredibly committed to engaging your students in the learning process. Some classes are using Zoom and creating meeting spaces, while others are using Youtube, Facebook, blogs or email. If you need additional support or information, please contact me or your child’s teacher.

We appreciate your feedback and patience, and we know that we are better together. We welcome your help as we continue to find ways to reach out to each other. You can look forward to more specifics from us next week.

Take care and stay safe,



Linda Roth

Executive Director