In June, our staff met to discuss the theme for the upcoming year. The theme helps the school come together by providing a shared focus and teachers find new ways to collaborate through integrated curriculum. This year we were able to agree on our theme in record time. It will be: Piece Together/Peace Together.
I think that with all the dissention and divisiveness in the world, we wanted to find ways to make connections and work together to find solutions. Ideas and topics we talked about included threads of life, cultural preservation, pieces of art and music (mosaics, quilts, songs, stories, dance), conflict mediation, immigration and global understanding. We considered subject specific activities with chemistry, languages, mathematics, cooperative problem-solving, coding, writing mechanics, and nature studies. We will continue to contribute to our larger community through service projects and take advantage of the educational resources in our local museums, libraries, and higher education centers. Our families are also a wonderful resource, and we welcome your involvement. Please let us know if you have an interest or area of expertise that you would like to share with our students.